Swami Ji understood that the root cause of the human misery was: 1) our total dependence on the world for lasting peace, security, satisfaction, happiness and the like; and 2) our ignorance about the real nature of God who is the source of perennial happiness and emancipation which this world (Apara Prakriti) could not provide. We, the human-beings have four pursuits in life Artha (money and material). Kaam (entertainment and ways of life), Dharma (meritorious deeds) and Moksha (liberation). Our scriptures teach us that surrendering unconditionally to the Lord yields all values of life (purusharthas), those devoted to the Lord receive Artha and Kaama incidentally. To drive home the point, it was imperative that people were disciplined and spiritually more aware and mentally relaxed so that they would seek refuge in Lord Ram (the Absolute Truth, Para Prakriti).